Lemon essential oil

Citrus limon
Therapeutic effects:

  • antiviral,
  • antibacterial,
  • lymphatic drainage,
  • diuretic,
  • immunomodulator,
  • antidepressant,
  • anti-anxiety

Country: Italy
Main ingredients: Limonene, β-Pinene
Part of the plant: Peel
For air disinfection, prevention of infectious diseases, immunity support
(2 drops per 5sq.m.)
Lubrication of lymph nodes, neck, massage of legs, back and chest (add to base oil (7-10 drops per 10 ml of base oil)
Disinfection of hands, surfaces (add to hand soap)
Cellulite, varicose veins, heaviness in the legs, capillary fragility, haemorrhoids, sluggish digestion, nasal congestion, joint swelling
Diffuser, personalised inhaler - for the nose
Add aloe to aloe gel - for veins, joints
Headache, general fatigue, inability to focus, head fog, anxiety, irritability
(2 drops per 5sq.m.)
Massage oil (7-10 drops per 10 ml of base oil) - massage of the neck, temples in case of headache, foggyness
Skin inflammation, acne, comedones, oily skin, dull skin
Spot application in dilution with base oil (1-3%)
In cream, serum, tonic, cleanser.
Ways to use the oils
Massage oil (7-10 k per 10 ml of base oil)
- for abdomen, foot massage
Air disinfection, prevention of infectious diseases, immunity support
How to use:
  • diffuser (2 drops per 5 square metres)
  • lubrication of lymph nodes, neck, massage of legs, back and chest (add to base oil (7-10 drops. per 10 ml of base oil)
  • disinfection of hands, surfaces (add to hand soap)
Works well with lymph stagnation and where there is swelling.Leg heaviness, capillary fragility, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, cellulite.
Sluggish digestion, swelling in the nasopharynx, nasal congestion, swelling of the joints
How to use:
  • massage oil (7-10 drops per 10 ml of base oil) - for abdomen, foot massage
  • add to aloe gel - for veins, joints
  • diffuser, individual inhaler - for nose
Uplifts mood, focuses
Helps with anxiety, stress, irritability
Headache, general fatigue, inability to focus, foggy head.
If you need to release trapped energy inside
How to use:
  • diffuser/aromatic lamp (2 drops per 5 square metres)
  • massage oil (7-10 drops per 10 ml of base oil) - massage neck, temples in case of headache, foggy head.
Inflammation, acne, comedones, oily skin, dull skin
How to use:
  • spot application in dilution with base oil (1-3%)
  • in a cream, serum, tonic, cleanser (here it is better not to add anything yourself, but to order a ready-made product from a professional)
❗️ Lemon essential oil is PHOTOTOXIC. Do not use during active sun on the face and exposed skin areas to avoid pigmentation!
100% natural essential oils
100% natural essential oils
100% natural essential oils
100% natural essential oils
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