So that you know which essential oils are relatively safe for you, your children and the older generation.
🌸 Mild essential oils are those that do not cause skin irritation, are not neurotoxic and are safe to use in the sun (not phototoxic).
The most widely used essential oils:
Sweet orange Bergamot (without bergapten) Immortelle Vetiver Geranium Ho Tree Spruce Ginger Cardamom Cedar (Atlas, Himalayan) Cypress Copaiba Coriander Curcuma Lavender Frankincense Lemon (distilled) Mandarin Majoran Juniper (berries) Manuka Neroli Palmarosa Patchouli Petitgrain Fir Chamomile (Roman, blue) Pine Thyme (chemotype linalool) Black pepper Nutmeg sage Eucalyptus lemon
💆🏻♀️ For such oils, standard dosages for use on the skin (massage oil, rubs):
▪️ healthy adults - 5% (~12 drops per 10 ml of base oil) ▪️ children 6-15 years old - 3% (~7 drops per 10 ml) ▪️ children 2-6 years old - 2% (~4-5 drops per 10 ml) ▪️ children from 3 months - 0.5% (~ 1-2 drops per 10 ml)